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Nature Watercolor Workshop
Get in touch with us!
Would you like to capture your observations of nature in watercolor? 🎨🌿
When: Tuesday, 24th June, 18:00 - 20:00
Where: Denizen Eiswerk
Tora Aghabayova
Create watercolor paintings using a direct and expressive approach that combines the spontaneity of sketching with color and light. Learn how to get started with watercolors, how to combine colors effectively and basic layering techniques. Watercolor can be a very efficient and fun medium, but it can also be a tricky medium to get started in. Learn from an expert and start with tried and true techniques to keep the process flowing. The beauty of watercolor can already come across through simple still life objects, such as fruit or flowers, when we focus on light effects or color combinations.
Would you like to be able to create colorful watercolors from your everyday life, from your travels, or even from your imagination? Each class will have a different subject matter and will cover different variations on the combination of line a wash. The artist-instructor will demonstrate each new technique and provide hands on assistance within a small class size
You're free to cancel up to a week before the event. After that, your ticket is non-refundable. Please contact one of our team members if you have any further questions.