August 14, 2024

Meet Denizen: R.Drada

Introducing R.Drada

Meet Denizen: R.Drada

Hi Neighbour,

We are thrilled to share the latest edition of our “Meet the Denizens” series. A collection of interviews spotlighting the remarkable, talented, and inspiring individuals within our Denizen community. This week we are getting to know R.Drada - an artists whose unique pieces will be exhibited at Denizen Eiswerk.

Welcome to Denizen,  R.Drada !

Meet R. Drada, an American oil painter now based in Berlin. She’s bringing her incredible talent to Denizen on August 22nd for the “Wild Blue Sky” exhibition. R. Drada’s art dives deep into the wild ride of life’s ideals, capturing our frustrations and struggles in a way that’s both thought-provoking and visually stunning. Don’t miss the chance to experience her work up close!

R.Drada describes herself in 3 words as: curious, skeptical and determined

What makes you happy?

"Living in an expressive way amongst like-minded people. Following up with creative impulses to their intensity."

What is your must-watch movie?

"8 ½ by Federico Fellini. It’s an already celebrated film, but I enjoy the dream-like feel to the entire film, the internal monologue, the bizarre opening scene, the cemetery scene. It felt surreal yet familiar to me."

What are 3 things you cannot live without?

"I can’t live without access to culture, taking meandering walks, and having time alone to think."

What was the last thing that made you laugh?

 “The comedian, Geoffrey Asmus. I really enjoy his provocative, dark humor. It ties into my own creative work– I intend to create abstract paintings inspired by the type of laughter at dark humor. It’s a completely different bodily experience vs. laughter at wholesome humor.“

What brought you to Denizen?

 “I first found out about Denizen through another artist friend who had previously exhibited at Denizen, Annabelle Eugenia. She had a beautiful solo exhibition, brimming with primary colors, both paintings and photography.“

What do you like about Denizen?

 “I love the variety of activities that Denizen is open to– I know some wonderful artists (Zeynep Gencer & Meltem Cetinoglu) that held an exhibition here with a tango dance demonstration. The design and furniture of the place gives Denizen both a welcoming and beautiful look –I do enjoy a space that’s beautiful but not intimidating! Also, the staff at Denizen are very professional and I am very happy for this, as it made the process of organizing an exhibition smooth. And I am also very excited that Denizen offers artists great terms on which to exhibit their art, which is getting rarer these days.“


The Denizen Team


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